Area 51

Area 51 is one of the mysteries of the world. Because it is not a natural mystery, this mystery is man-made. Area 51 is 26,000 square kilometers. It is located in the southern part of Nevada of the western United States and about 150 kilometers northwest of Las Vegas, near Reckel Village.
Area 51

The entry of ordinary people in this area is completely prohibited. The base is surrounded by an impenetrable neighborhood. And it is written in the entrance to the base, 'he will be shot in the protected area if he tries to enter'. So the world's curiosity does not end with this place. What's inside of it? What is done is done in this base, due to which no one is allowed to enter except the listed workers? Such questions are normal to come to the human head.
Google Earth's view

According to Wikipedia, there are seven airplane routes in Area 51. It seems one of them is close. The close one is 14R/32L. Which length is 7,100 meter (23,300 foot), except for the stoppage of the plane. Other two flying routes are very black in color. The length of the route 14R/32L is 3,650 meter (12,000 foot) and 12/30 route’s is 1,650 meter (5,400 foot). Other four flight routes are located in front of Salt Lake. These four flight routes are, 09R/27L and 09R/27L, both of them are 3,500 meters (11,450 feet) in length. And 03L/21R and 03R/21L, both of them are 3,050 meters (10,000 feet) in length. There is a place for land helicopters in the base. Area 51 is also called "Land of Dreams", "Rectangle of Heaven", "Home Base", "Water City Port", "Groom Lake", and most recently as "Fascinating Airport".
Claimed by various retired employees who were given permission to work in Area 51 in 2009, they said that Area 51 is used with great secrecy to improve the recent technology testing (military jet planes, lunar modules, etc.).

But there are many buzzes about area 51. Some people in the locality feel that the people who work in Area 51 are in contact with Alien. And Area 51 is far more advanced than the outer world. It is heard that the area 51 has invented invisible aircraft which is not caught in radar. Others also believe that it is a secret place of the US government, which they have kept secret from the outside world. The American government has often avoided much mysterious news published about the area. Who or what kind of people work in Area 51 Still not properly known. But it is heard that those who are taken to work there do not return before death. Because of this, the mystery of Area 51 is still not known correctly. However, with the help of recent satellite, some strange pictures of Area 51 have been found, which proves that Area 51 is really a mysterious place. It is heard that there is something strange in Area 51’s sky has been seen. From there, the people of the region think that the people, who work in 'Area 51' are really in contact with the aliens. Who works at Area 51? Who controls it? There is a considerable difference between that. That is why the mystery of this place is so much more.

Nobody can say that this mystery will be exposed someday? Or not? But we are hopeful that, this mystery will be exposed one day. One day…
Area 51 Area 51 Reviewed by Unknown on September 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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