Genie's Mountain

The hill of the genie! This hill is located in Wadi al-Baida, about 45 kilometers northwest of Saudi Arabia's Medina city. This mountain has different types of names. Among them, most people know this as the hill of Jinn. The other names of this mountain are the magic mountains of Madina, the mountains of Magnum, etc. But local people of Medina say to this mountain, Wadi Al Abayas or Wadi Al Baeza. One of the mysteries of the hill of Jinn is that if anything is stabilized here, then everything is turned against the slopes, that is, to the height.

Suppose you are sitting in the car which engine is off, but the car is still running. And driving is not normal, it's running in the opposite way. And the speed of the car is increasing slowly, now your work just keeps steering the car's direction. Though it seems miraculous, such incidents happen in the way of the mysterious genie mountain of Madina. But there are many opinions about why this happens. According to many, the magnitude of magnetism in this mountain is much higher, where the magnet attracts some such thing, it moves towards the mountain. 

But local people say other things. According to them, genes live on this mountain, and if they put something under this mountain, then they can drag those things with the power of the miracle of the soul. Many people have found some strange people on that hill. Many others have heard a strange noise from that mountain. The mountains in this area are different. On the mountain, there is a needle-shaped soil.
It will seem like this will break, But not. Such mountains are not seen in other areas of Mecca, Medina or Taif. The road that runs through the hills. And the surprise that is hidden on that road. According to various sources, in 2010, the Saudi government planned to build a road to Wadi al-Bayda. But it causes a hazard. After working up to 30 kilometers, the hazard occurs. Suddenly, road construction equipment is gradually going alone in the city of Medina.
It seems as if an invisible force is pushing the machinery to Medina. Surprisingly, heavy rollers of pitch castings gradually started climbing up the slopes. The workers were terrified to be afraid of such a scenario. Later, they expressed their reluctance to work there. The huge black hills around the road where the work is closed. On the way to the end of the road, the arrangement was made to get back to Madina by the road. The road was supposed to be 200 kilometers, but eventually, the work was stopped in 40 kilometers. This is a place where the engine is closed, but the car is moving against the ramp. And the speed of the car is not low, but the car is automatically running at 80 to 100-kilometer speed. Not only do not drive, water bottles or water, if you put shoes, it also moves towards the opposite side of the ramp. This is not a story, real facts Such strange mysterious events surrounding the hills of jinn caused many curiosities. Many tourists from all over the world come to see the hills of these jinns.

Every year people coming to Hajj rush to see the mysteries of the jinn. But after so much knowledge of world-wide knowledge science, even today, this cannot be done to the extent of this mystery. But we are hopeful that once this mystery will be solved.
Genie's Mountain Genie's Mountain Reviewed by Unknown on October 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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