McMurdo Dry Valley

McMurdo Dry Valley is one of the great mysteries of the world. It is astonishing to hear the description, there are such places in the world? But the reality is that there is such a place in the world.
Let's come to the original description of the McMurdo Dry Valley. Dry Valley is a dry place in the center of Antarctica with the most snow and snow-covered space. There is plenty of snow around it, but there is no ice sign. What do you think?

Where ice and only ice all around, in the middle, the McMurdo Dry Valley is a very dry place. While the temperature around it is below the freezing point, the temperature in McMurdo Dry Valley is much higher. McMurdo Dry Valley's temperature is so much and the place is so dry that there is no other tree than the algae. There are only 4 inches of rainfall annually. The McMurdo Dry Valley is not just the driest and less rainy areas in Antarctica, it is one of the most less population’s places in the world. No people live in this area, and the number of people traveling to visit is very low. Although local government has no restriction on access to this area. Due to the low incidence of people in this area, the dryness of this area is considered. Because, due to excessive dryness in the McMurdo dry valley, there is oxygen problem, where using oxygen mask is good. Therefore, no one wants to enter this area without any need for risk of life. 

There is a story in local people with McMurdo Dry Valley. It is heard that, at one time, a dominant and oppressive man lived in this area. He had plenty of wealth and power. He used to rape the girl whom he liked of the local beauties and organized rituals in open ground. Not only did he get rusted by rape, she killed the girl's parents and kept her in his maiden for life. According to the traditional story, she raped nearly a hundred girls and made her maid. Seeing his activities, the fire god became angry with him and burned him in the fire. It is heard that the place where he is burned in the fire is the McMurdo Dry Valley. According to the local people, since then this area is quite dry and there is no vegetation in this area. So local people avoid the McMurdo Dry Valley as much as possible. According to the scientists, this place corresponds to the planet Mars. 

Scientists believe that Mars's environment is just like this area. So scientists are doing extensive research on this area. Many people think that, slowly, the whole world's climate is likely to become dry like the weather in the McMurdo dry valley. If indeed our whole world becomes dry like the glare of the McMurdo dry valley, then there is very little chance of survival of some life without some algae. Again, many people think that there is a possibility of the emergence of Mars's weather as the world's weather. Maybe we have to leave this world and live on Mars. However, no scientists or researchers have been able to give a clear idea about the mystery of McMurdo Dry Valley.

But we can hope that we will get clear information about McMurdo dry valley in the near future. Only then will we know what the future of our world ...?
McMurdo Dry Valley McMurdo Dry Valley Reviewed by Unknown on October 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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